International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 2019, 9, 3, 101-108.
DOI: 10.5530/ijpi.2019.3.20
Published: November 2019
Type: Review Article
B.M. Gupta
Formerly with CSIR-NISTADS, New Delhi, INDIA
K.K. Mueen Ahmed
Author(s), Bengaluru, Karnataka, INDIA
Jivesh Bansal
Panjab University, A.C Joshi Library, Chandigarh, INDIA
Madhu Bansal
Department of Mathematics Library, Panjab University, Chandigarh, INDIA
The present study examined 1432 global publications on Andrographis paniculata plant, as indexed in Scopus bibliographical and citation database during 2003-18, with a view to understand their growth rate, global publication share, citation impact, international collaborative papers share, distribution of publications by broad subjects, productivity and citation profile of top organizations and authors, preferred media of communication and bibliographic characteristics of high cited papers. The global publications registered an annual average growth rate of 10.03% and its citation impact averaged to 16.78 citations per paper. Amongst 73 participitating countries on the subject, the top 10 countries contributed 96.93% global publication share and 98.17% global citation share during 2003-18. India alone contributed the global share of 46.13%, followed by China and Malaysia (together 23.39% global share) and other top 7 countries have global share ranged from 1.96% to 6.63% during 2003-18. Four countries among top 10, registered world average of 17.0 citation per paper and 1.01 relative citation index: U.K. (45.89 and 2.73), Taiwan (32.27 and 1.92), USA (30.65 and 1.83) and Thailand (22.87 and 1.36) during 2003-18. Pharmacology, toxicology and pharmaceutics contributed the largest publications share of 50.98%, followed by medicine biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, agricultural and biological sciences and chemistry (from 13.41% to 33.24%) and immunology and microbiology, environment science and veterinary science (from 2.30% to 7.05%) during 2003-18. Among 301 organizations and 413 authors contributing to global Andrographis paniculata research, the 15 most productive global organizations and authors together contributed 22.07% and 10.75% global publication share and 23.66% and 11.35% global citation share respectively during 2003-18. Universiti Putra Malaysia (55 papers), Mahidol University, Thailand (31 papers) and Universiti Sains Malaysia (28 papers) were the leading contributing organizations. D. Talei and A.Valdiani (17 papers each) and A.E. Nugroho (13 papers) were the leading productive authors. Journal of Ethnopharmacology (with 54 papers), International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (31 papers) and Phytotherapy Research (27 papers), were the three leading journals contributing research on this subject. Amongst 1413 journal papers (in 145 journals) in global Andrographis paniculata research, the top 15 most productive journals contributed 22.36% share of total journal publication output during 2003-18. Thirty Eight publications were found to be high cited, as they registered citations from 102 to 842 during 2003-18 and they together received 6356 citations, which averaged to 164.63 citations per paper.
Keywords: Andrographis paniculata, Medicinal plant, Global publications, Scientometrics, Bibliometrics.