Sarojini Nayak1, Druga Madhab Kar2, Saroj Kumar Choudhury3 and Manoj Kumar Dalai4 Author informationPDFCitations 1Department of Pharmacology, Kanak Manjari Institute…
Browsing: Review Article
Sanatkumar Bharamu Nyamagoud, Agadi Hiremath Viswanatha Swamy, B J Abhishek, Leena Elizabeth Varghese and S K Bhoomika Author informationPDFCitations Department…
Sonal Jesa Dsouza1, DS Sandeep1, R Narayana Charyulu1, MP Gowrav2 and HK Pradeep3 Author informationPDFCitations 1Department of Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs,…
Varadarajan Sathiya1 and V Ramesh Kumar2 Author informationPDFCitations 1In vitro Diagnostics Center R&D Department, Affigenix Biosolutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, Tamil…
Gopinath Subramaniyan1, Shaik Rubina2, Bachu Venkata Ramana3, A. Meriton Stanley4 and Devasena Srinivasan5 Author informationPDFCitations 1Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of…
Vaibhav Rastogi, Mayur Porwal, Anurag Verma, Umair Khan, Prabal Chauhan and Prashant Kumar Author informationPDFCitations Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Pharmacy,…
Jayant Kumar1, Ajmera Ramkishan2 and Madhugiri Prakash Venkatesh1,3* Author informationPDFCitations 1Department of Pharmaceutics, JSS College of Pharmacy, JSS Academy of…
Sanatkumar Bharamu Nyamagoud, Agadi Hiremath Viswanatha Swamy, Jayasheela Hiremath, BJ Abhishek, Saurav Raj, Megha Hegde, Dhananjay Tikadar, Raviteja Somashekhar Kanavi…
Himangshu Deka1, Ananta Choudhury1, Jahnabi Sarmah2, Debgopal Ganguly3, Rosamund Jyrwa4, Dhiraj Baishya1 and Nurjamal Houque1 Author informationPDFCitations 1Faculty of Pharmaceutical…
Sepideh Kianian1, Rozhin Moloudpour Toulakani2, Fatemeh Zisti3, Davoud Balarak4, Shaziya Haseeb Siddiqui5 and Morteza Khodadadi Saloot6 Author informationPDFCitations 1Department of…