International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 2017, 7, 4, 198.
DOI: 10.4103/2230-973X.229440
Published: April 2018
Type: Erratum
Bappaditya Chatterjee
Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, International Islamic University Malaysia, Indera Mahkota, Kuantan, 25200 Pahang Kuantan Malaysia.
In the article titled “Development of a binary carrier system consisting polyethylene glycol 4000 ‑ ethyl cellulose for ibuprofen solid dispersion”, published on pages 142-148, Issue 3, Volume 7 of International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation,[1] the affiliation of “Pinaki Sengupta” is written incorrectly as “National Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Research, Ahmedabad, India” instead of “National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Ahmedabad, India”. Read more.
Keywords: Nil.